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Professional Form preparation

(661) Pro-Form

At Affordable Divorce, we reduce your stress by filing your court documents in a timely manner at an affordable cost.  Better, faster, and more affordable than hiring an attorney.

Divorce – Legal Separation – Child Custody – Child Support – Alimony – Guardianship – Conservatorship

Call to schedule a free, initial consultation.

(661) Pro-Form
(661) 776-3676

1412 17th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301

In Haberfelde Building
We no longer prepare Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), but we found a company that prepares QDROs at a reasonable price, so we include their information here:
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order is used to divide a retirement account. It is a specialized area of law, and preparation of a QDRO can be extremely expensive, but QDRO Counsel can help at a very reasonable price. Click the picture above to be taken to their site.